Aquí encontrarás una lista de las publicaciones de Judith Abelenda

Abelenda, A. J., y Rodríguez Armendariz, E. (2020). Evidencia científica de integración sensorial como abordaje de terapia ocupacional en autismo. MEDICINA (Buenos Aires), 80(Supl II), 41-46.

De las Heras, C.G, Abelenda, J, Parkinson, S. (2017).  MOHO Based Program Development. En: R. Taylor (Ed.), Kielhofner´s Model of Human Occupation: Theory and Application. (5th Edition). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

Abelenda, J., Mailloux, Z., Smith Roley, S. (2015). Dyspraxia in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Evidence and Implications. Sensory Integration Special Interest Section Quarterly. September 2015, 48 (3).

Casals Hierro, V., Abelenda, J. (2012). El Modelo DIR/Floortime: un abordaje relacional e interdisciplinar para las dificultades de relación y comunicación. Revista Norte de Salud Mental, Vol X, N 44: 54-61.

Abelenda, J., Kielhofner, G., Suarez Balcazar, Y., & Kielhofner, K. (2004). The Model of Human Occupation as a conceptual tool for understanding and overcoming occupational apartheid. En: F. Kronenberg & S. Simo Algado (Eds.), Occupational Therapy without Borders; Learning from the Spirit of Survivors. Oxford: Churchill

Abelenda, J., & Helfrich, C. (2003). Family resilience and mental illness: The role of occupational therapy. Occupational Therapy in Mental Health, 19 (1), 25-39.

Taylor, R., Kielhofner, G., Abelenda, J. et al (2003). An occupational therapy approach to persons with chronic fatigue syndrome. Occupational Therapy in Health Care. 17 (2), 47-61.

Abelenda, J. (2002) Evaluating your client: An introduction to the Model of Human Occupation based assessments. Mental Health OT, 17 (2), 31-35.

Illinois Occupational Therapy Association State Conference, Galena, IL             Poster Presentation: “Promoting effective communication among interdisciplinary team members and the parents of children with failure-to-thrive”